“Nothing is more important than that you feel good” Abraham said, when I first discovered them in 1998. “What you Focus on, You get More of” and “You can’t get it Wrong, and You’ll never get it Done”were two more, all of which I am glad to report have proven to be completely true even for this stubborn heart. Attending many teachings and my own life long learning curve, I wondered this morning how to pass these insights and other valuables I have learned on to the next generations. Is it possible to shorten their learning curve?
Or, am I too hopeful that they won’t repeat what we worked so hard to balance? These days I am relieved to report that such axioms are helpful rather than whipping me toward ‘getting it’. Naturally hard on myself for the first 55 years, I practiced a self critical attitude that seemed natural to me, only to find out that others gasped at the unforgiving demeanor my self talk revealed. I know I’m not alone in this.
Enter Matt Kahn’s teachings: In every breath, you deserve more love, not less. This is how acceptance blossoms for the well-being of all. It is the way of heart-centered consciousness.
The path to allowing heart centered consciousness does not have to be as hard as I made my own. Spending every opportunity blessing and loving what arises, offering forgiveness in place of criticism when I react to unpleasant news, there has been more peace and with it more allowing for that which comes to my attention. After all, “What we resist, persists” another truth, coined by Werner Erhard. When we get to this one, half the battle is won. Truly, we have been given free will - alas how does that look? To me, free will is to accept or resist what is.
When I seek to govern what is, I am lost in the mire of the illusion of control. Instead, my attention turns inward to feel out what part of me finds reason to resist rather than accept. Is there righteousness there? Is this based on another time in my life, where such defense was created as a protective shield? Are my opinions and interpretations of the current situation an expression of outdated habits? Loving these notions, these feelings into my heart, purifying the old beliefs, freeing my inner child to ease into her innocence, my heart opens wide and the fresh breeze of clarity and peace flows with abandon. This is part of all our work, embracing it teaches me daily.
So, I know that no matter what: In Every Breath I Deserve More Love, Not Less!
This is what I speak about in our groups, in my talks and with my clients. Make self care your first priority, allow enough space in your life to open your own heart. To be broken open with what is, even when it’s uncomfortable, painful. And when resistance threatens - can we allow the release of that part of you that has been defending you for all of your life - inviting her to be free from the old patterns that are carry overs from a time of hurt. At this time, we teach ourselves our own truths, and by teaching what we need, and allowing the same for others, we perfect our own knowing.
Many of us are thinking along these lines, as we move from the 3d dimensional reality of cause and effect, reward and revenge, to a 5th dimensional consciousness for the combining of our Humanity and our Divinity. It won’t be the end of polarity, at last on on this earth plane, and it will be the end for those ready to wake up of the painful repeatedly destructive action/reaction experiences that is an apparent condition on our beautiful planet. When we stop the dominance of our hindbrain, we mitigate ancient human dominance in the process. Our hearts open to include to forgive and to heal separation that was born of fear.
At some point, such insights become innate, and not automatically arise again, even in our culture. That is the evolution of our souls - indeed, on this path, we all deserve more love not less. If you wish, help spread the word.
“God Bless God” Demetrius Gregorian