CLIENT comments
After this one time session of working together, I am amazed to find that not only can I breathe deeply, the pain in my shoulder is gone, a chiropractic adjustment since then was finally able to realign my thoracic spine and neck - which had always been a problem - but the original issue, my high blood pressure, is now normal, even after a very stressful day in my business. I’m truly amazed and thrilled. Thank you! J.S. GA
- The results in my life since working with Dr. Alban have been gratifying to say the very least. My life has become an adventure that I look forward to experiencing every minute of every day. It is like I have been injected with the power of the universe, and the love that I am now allowing myself to feel for every person on this earth can’t be measured. Dr. Alban has helped me to transform my life into something I cherish every minute of every day! Greg N.
- Henriette Alban is one of those rare practitioners who combines intuition and nurturing with great technical expertise in her work. If you, like me, desire more wellness, balance and vitality in your life, I can recommend her highly. Paul N.
- Henriette, I just want to greatly thank you for the help you had given me months back. I came to talk about the emotional hang ups in my life and you have completely changed my life since then.I’ve become so much more accepting, understanding, and peaceful and I’ve become less judgmental. Sally M.
- I had the pleasure of working with Henriette several months ago. She is a gentle practitioner, who demonstrates an amazing capacity for insight. Her calm and caring manner put me immediately at ease, and she used her EFT tapping technique quite effectively. Henriette is extremely knowledgeable about naturopathy and I recommend her highly for anyone who is dealing with either physical or emotional issues that have not responded to more traditional treatment. Heather U.
- “Henriette is an intuitively gifted healer. She thrives on sharing her knowledge and her skills in a consistent and compassionate manner, always seeking new tools and adapting them to the needs of her clients. As she continues to expand her knowledge base, she continues to amaze me with her expertise.” Debra. J.
- Thank you Henriette. You are a gifted [EFT] practitioner. Your ability to find the words we need to hear is unique and powerful. As you pulled the words together for both my and Mike’s situations, I was amazed at your intuitive and compassionate approach and your ability to really listen. I observed that, as we stumbled with words and tried to make sense of and describe what we were experiencing, you had the ability to cut through the confusion and say the exact thing we needed to hear. This was very effective for me and allowed me to see my situation in a new light. I experienced impressive changes. Jeanne S.
- Building on my own spiritual work, the doors I was able to open by working with Henriette brought me to a new level of embodying the practices and teachings I was studying. I found myself going from knowing things on a mental level to changing the emotional and energetic patterns held in my body, and this all with just a few sessions of EFT. Lisa S.
- I have had the pleasure of working and growing with Henriette for a number of years now and find that her influences positively impact my life daily. Henriette is brilliant in both her perceptiveness and charm, and her strength of will challenged me to think and grow beyond my wildest imagination. I now live with intention and direct my thoughts to what I want. I am eternally grateful to Henriette and am so very glad that I brought her into my life. Mara R.
- Comments from WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN - new groups are forming, please inquire at 610 781-9817 to begin one with your tribe.
- This group is a place where I come for me
- This is my ‘Village’ my safe place.
- Trusting others to hear me, being vulnerable and recognizing that I can let it out and accept productive feedback, makes me feel safe.
- It was really, really good, helpful to learn how to let me be me
- Now I got legs to stand on, to feel my truth, thank you!
- I can’t imagine where else I would get this kind of caring attention and gentle self examination.